The clocks went back here last weekend, and all at once, it's fall.
In summer, I love the long days from being this far north, but in winter....
We recently took advantage of once of the last few nice days to visit the Dutch/American Air Force base in Soesterburg. Kevin loves looking at planes, and on Sundays the mueseum is open free of charge.
The other places Kevin loves to visit are Schiphol Airport - the panaroma deck to see all the 747's - and the children's farm and petting zoo that most Dutch towns have. These are typical weekend activities.
There is also a large indoor playground (they call it a castle) in nearby Hoofddorp. For the price of admission kids can play on all kinds of equipment, the parents get a free drink voucher and you can order simple fare like grilled cheese sandwiches. There are also motorcycles and a small indoor track that you have to pay to use. Kevin loves riding the motorcycles! He can already weave in-between parked cycles, and puts his foot as far to the floor as he can.
I can't believe how fast everything seems to go now. He's growing by leaps and bounds, really he is.This photo says "mom, enough already with the pictures!"