Monday, September 20, 2010

When it Rains.....

Summer 2010, wow! While there have been a few bright moments (the wedding, getting to see Holly, getting to go back to the US for the aforementioned wedding) it's overall been one full of those life lessons I'd just as soon not repeat:

1) No matter how hard you work, you're never irreplaceable.
2) The 6 month nest egg "just in case" is more important than anything you want now. (see point 1 above)
3) Even great and loving families go through rough patches.
4) Losing someone who you love makes you take stock of your own life.
5) Sometimes you have to get way past something before you can see the way things happen for a reason.
6) Whenever you're not there to witness it, some kind of milestone with your child will happen.

Right now I still have the feeling I'm at a crossroads....I can't see yet how things are going to turn out, which path is the right one to take (or if I'll even have a choice.) I hope that whatever the next few months hold, Kevin will know I've done my best - for both of us. It's sometimes pretty awe-inspiring to think that whatever I do now affects more than just me - I'm responsible for this amazing little man who I love so very much. It's as humbling as it is terrifying.

Mostly, this post is just to let everyone know we're still hanging in there, waiting for life lesson 5 to make itself known.

1 comment:

Holly said...

It's true that "learning lessons" gets more painful when it happens in real life and not school. I am still thinking about you and rooting for you. I know it will come out all right in the end. I agree about the milestones always happening when you're back is turned or when you're at work. I think part of being a mom is just always feeling like we aren't quite doing it right.