Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mother's Day

Here is a post I had ready in May, but for some reason I never linked the pictures to it and posted it. Here it is, better late than never......

I've just had my 4th Mother's Day from the Mommy perspective, and this year was really the best so far. The first ever Mother's day was of course special, but this was the first year that I think that Kevin knew there was something going on and could reconcile the gifts he'd made with the day to give them to mommy.

I received a wonderful plaque with his hand prints and kisses (in lipstick even!) on paper with an acrylic cover and a little poem in Dutch. This he made (and wrapped) at the kindergarten he goes to on Wednesday mornings. The poem went:

De liefste mama, dat ben jij
Jij zorgt altijd goed voor mij
Een mooi cadeau, een dikke kus
en mijn liefste lach
Op deze Moederdag

Which, translated, is (more or less):

You are the sweetest Mother
You always take good care of me
A nice gift , a big kiss
and my sweetest laugh(smile)
on this Mother's Day.

At Anky's, he made a huge magnteic paperclip (pink) with a foam heart and all kinds of 'jewels' on it. It will look wonderful on the fridge in the New House!

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