Monday, August 25, 2008

Kleine Aapje

Kev's new nickname these days is Kleine Aapje (Little Ape). At 3 1/2 it seems he's all about repeating everything that catches his ear. A lot of the time, I'm not so sure how I feel about the 3 year old stage.....It has it's hard days, for sure, but in between there are periods of incredible insight into how a little mind works, and for better or for worse you see a lot of your own behaviors, sayings, gestures, facial expesssions and more mimiced back at you with no-holds barred honesty.

I've aslo noticed that he seems drawn to the sayings I wish I heard less of...After our vacation (watching Dora in English) he's picked up on saying 'Oh Man' after everything!!

Sometimes it's cute, sometimes embarassing (usually because of the venue) and occasionally it makes you sit back and re-evalute if you're doing the right thing.

I think, with Little Man, 3 will be the year I'll remember as 'Monkey See, Monkey Do'.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Oh this is so funny! Robbie says the same thing. Oh Mannnnn!