Monday, May 17, 2010

April Milestones

Now that we’ve passed the 5th birthday milestone, mom was prepared that things might go a little quiet on the blogging front without much to report on that was new. I guess Kevin decided we couldn’t have that, and set about giving me something to write about – He can cycle on two wheels!

I should mention that while he’s pretty well on track ( I seem to remember the training wheels going off my Pink Schwinn somewhere between 5 &6) it’s felt like he’s behind the curve here in one of the cycling capitals of the world. It’s not uncommon here to see 3 & 4 year olds on 12 inch cycles without training wheels zipping along with their 5-foot safety flag waving alongside. Kevin had so far resisted any attempt to remove his training wheels for ‘practice’.

It reminded me very much of when we were trying to get him to walk……he went directly from crawling to running across the room. No tries, no stumbles…..He takes his time (practicing in his sleep?!) and just as we start to wonder…..he busts out a brand new capability like he’s been doing it forever.

He’s already able to cycle to the shops in the center of town, go to the recreational lake/forest area near his dad’s place….soon I’m sure he’ll be out-cycling mom, and be a true Dutchy cycling everywhere!

Here is a video from the end of the afternoon on that first day of cycling…this is near to dad’s house, and dad’s using his cameraphone….it might not be the best quality (and the proud papa Dutch commentary is an added bonus) but it’s clear to see how proud of this accomplishment he is……as are we!


Rochelle said...

That's awesome! I love how dad has to run to keep up :)

Fruit Fly said...

Look at him go!

Guess who got me on 2 wheels for the first time.... Heather Taylor! It was like once I tried I was all over the place, too!
