Friday, June 4, 2010

Kevin "Picasso" Fels

This past week, 2 things having to do with Little Man's artistic abilities have come about.....Even for his (always) busy mom, that's a post-worthy happening. On this gorgeous, sunny, tail end of the working week, I'd like to take this moment to appreciate and brag - as is a Mother's right! :-)
This school year, Kevin's school has had an 'art menu' with all kinds of activities. They have linked these activities to fundraising to support a Dutch based charity that helps children in 130 countries all over the world. One of these activities was an art action, and each student painted their own canvas. The proceeds of the sale went to the charity. (Dad bought Kevin's canvas to enjoy and show off).

After the art auction, each class chose one student's artwork to represent their class and be shown on a postcard. The set of postcards, with one image per class, is then given (6 sets per student) to sell to neighbors, relatives, people at work, etc.

I received my 6 sets of postcards this week to sell, and when I was looking through them, I found this and thought " I know that signature!":
And when I looked on the back of the card for the credit, there it was.....My Little Man - his artwork - on a postcard!

And then, this same week, while mom was still basking in the postcard glory (and selling the cards to his father, my mother, poor co-workers, etc).........he comes home with this drawing: :

And I knew what it squinting, no 3 guesses, no 'you tell me what I'm going to guess it is'......I recognized it right away as his playmobil fire truck with extendible ladder and extra wheels and sirens was awesome!

It's been a good week to be a mommy! I'm off now to enjoy the weekend, some 'mommy time' and to dream of a retirement funded by art sales and autograph signings :-)

1 comment:

Holly said...

Wow that is some impressive art! Robbie's just getting to the stage where he does more than scribble so I'm excited for this kind of stuff!