Thursday, March 31, 2011

What a Difference a Hair Cut Makes.....

I don´t know why it is, but every time we give Kev a haircut, I feel like he looks Older. Like, goes from a cutie to Little Man in a few minutes. Why does a trim make such a difference in the way he looks? Is it just me?

2011-03-12 Haircuts - Before and After 001

For about a year now, we´ve been using a ´thuiskapper´, someone who has a kind of mobile salon and comes to your house, during the week on evening or even on Saturday. I started using the service because it saved me a fortune compared to the salon prices for a color and trim, and then I discovered the hidden benefit of Kev not freaking out when it was time to get his hair cut.

This is no small thing. I mean, since his first hair cut just before his second birthday, and every subsequent time since, walking into a hair salon-barber shop-supercuts type establishment caused a meltdown. We even tried it once in the states, with the same result. He didn´t inherit mom´s curls, so when his hair gets longish, it just hangs....except for the place where he did inherit his dad´s cowlick.
2011-03-12 Haircuts - Before and After 002
So, imagine my relief when we discovered that when covered with a mickey mouse safari cape while perched on our step stool in the kitchen, all signs of trauma just melted away. It makes having to sweep and vacuum up afterwards yourself more than worth it, and just look at the results! Of course, by the Official Mommy Code, I have to declare him a handsome little boy, but feel free to agree! :-)
2011-03-12 Haircuts - Before and After 003

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