Friday, August 10, 2007

Change is the only Constant

When I stop to think about it, it has been a very full and probably 7 weeks or so for little man. First, I was gone for almost two weeks while he stayed with his dad and went to daycare, then I came home and he was with me and going to day care for a week.

Then, the vacation period started. Our normal daycare provider went on holiday a week before we did, so Kevin was off to a replacement provider for a week, and on that week Friday I picked him up and we drove to the vacation park for 10 days.

He had a blast - and not much of anything that was like his normal structured schedule during the days. After that, it was back home, a week with just mommy at home (and the pool and the fairly tale woods, and the zoo with daddy) ....... then this week, back to his normal day care, but at a new location .

As a result ( I think) he's decided he doesn't want to go to daycare anymore. Each day, the crying starts as soon as we put clothes on. 'Nee, Kevin gaat niet naar Anky toe!' (No, Kevin will not go to Anky!) Yesterday was a very loud tearful goodbye when I finally left to go to work, and this morning he started again almost as soon as he was awake and he realized mommy was getting ready for work.

So, today was all about bargaining. I admit I'm weak. It was so unlike him to cry and carry on like he did yesterday that I really felt like an afwul mother, abandoning her child for 10 hours a day. I didn't think I could handle a similiar scene again today so when he started in with the 'Nee, Kevin gaat niet naar Anky toe!' I countered with: 'Today you have to go to Anky, but not tomorrow.' 'Today yes, tomorrow no.' I just kept repeating 'today yes, tomorrow no' everytime he started to fuss.

We got in to the car without too much hassle as I explained (well, I tried) that, 'When mommy goes to work, Kevin goes to Anky. But, when mommy doesn't go to work, Kevin stays with mommy.' All he got out of it was 'morgen niet naar Anky, morgen Kevin niet naar Anky' which he made into a little song as we drove to Anky.

When we arrived at Anky's, he shot me a look that clearly said 'What are we doing here?!' but he got out of the car and went inside. When he started to fuss, I told him 'today here, tomorrow with mommy...... today yes, tomorrow no' and he quieted down and even walked me to the door to open and close it for me as is the normal morning ritual. I avoided a blow up today, but who knows how next week will go? :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wat een schattig lief mannetje is hij toch ook he? Hij lacht op elke foto bijna.. Sharon wees blij dat je zo'n leuk , schattig zoontje hebt.

Kusjes aan Kevin ( little man )

Meltem Tok