Monday, August 6, 2007

The Launch of Kevin Daniel's (and his mommy's) Blog!

I must be the last person I know I start a blog. I've been envious of my Best Friend's Blog since she started it after her son was born, but it seemed so time consuming, so artsy, so unlike me that I figured I'd stick to the updates to family and friends via e-mail and free on-online photo albums.

Yet, while the e-mails go out at different times to different people, the content is always pretty much the same (if worded sometimes more carefully than others) and the pictures are always digital 'brag books' of my little man. So, why not combine all that into one place and just send everyone the link?

Well, my employer wouldn't be happy to know that a good part of my first day back after two weeks of holiday was spent on figuring out how to do just that......pretty soon, Yahoo photos won't exist any more, so the first thing I had to do was move all my photos to flickr. Oh, that can't be so difficult, can it?

Between that little move across cyberspace, setting up this blog and linking them both to a google gmail account (and all to each other, I hope) I've spent the better part of three hours at this now. (Ok, maybe four, but I did 'real work' in between, I swear!) I think I finally have it all up and running now.

I have to say, at the end of this set up process, I somehow feel old at 29. And, truthfully, a little out of touch in a world of MySpace profiles and iPods and this kind of stuff that feels like everyone else does with no effort in no time at all.

The future posts will be photos and notes from me, Kevin Daniel's Mommy :-) To keep everyone in the loop, so to speak, and to keep those photo's up to date for everyone! Next up should be the vacation post and photos (though I'll only post a few here and leave the rest on flickr). The url for our photo album on flickr is here, so please bookmark and check this blog and our photo albums reguarly!


Holly said...

Way to go on the blog - it's really cool. Your little man is so adorable and I can't get over how fast he's grown.

Anonymous said...

Waaaay cool site Bear!
Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us all up to date on little man's adventures.
It's such a Wonderful thing to be able to "See him grow" like this!
You truly are a Great Daughter & Mom!!
We LOVE You & Miss You.
See you soon!